Bulletin (July 9, 2006)

In our joint meeting of the Parish Council, School Commission and Finance Council, we discussed the issue of parish security. At that meeting, we put “parish security” as an item in our 2006-2007 budget. Even though we have a deficit budget, all agreed that it is paramount that we do everything possible to protect those who come to Holy Family Parish. As part of that effort, we have hired a security guard to make sure our parking lots are safe during the weekend Masses. Here is a picture of security guard Tom Moore. When you see him, express your appreciation for his presence.

Tom Moore:

Besides hiring a weekend security guard, we need the vigilance of everyone. If you see suspicious activity, please notify someone on the parish staff or call 911. Parish Administrator Gary Samaniego, school principal Glen Lutz, and I have talked with local police, and they assure us they will do their utmost to provide protection for parishioners and parish property. All of us want a parish where families and children can come, knowing that they and their belongings are protected.

My dog Samwise is doing his part to keep our parish safe. Dogs have an amazing ability to sense those who do not belong. Sam is friendly to hundreds of people who come to Holy Family on a regular basis, but at night will bark like crazy if someone prowls near the church or rectory. This week I am going to Ashland for the Shakespeare Festival, but Sam will be staying here and, along with those who live in the rectory and convent, will keep an eye - and a nose - on parish property.

The renovation of the school ground floor continues apace. We also have other projects which are advancing this summer. One is the sprinkler system and re-seeding of the soccer field. I am grateful to Ed Horn, Jerry Moffat and other volunteers from our parish CYO who are carrying out this project. The field should be ready for use sometime in August. Another important project we hope to realize this summer is the repair and re-striping of our parking area. When completed, it will not only improve traffic flow, but provide a number of new spaces. At our joint leadership meeting, a young mom mentioned that sometimes she has had to park four blocks away from the parish. Many others have experienced difficulty finding a parking space. Weather permitting, we should be able to do this project toward the end of July. As you know, improvement of our parking area was an important part of the Capital Campaign. Again, I thank those who have supported and continue to support this effort. We are close to the mid point of the Campaign, which extends until April of 2008.

As many of you know, Planned Parenthood and other groups have been using scare tactics to attempt to overrule the Pharmacy Board’s decision to defend their freedom of professional conscience. C.J. Kahler, R. Ph, past president of Washington State Pharmacy Association, has outlined a series of Facts and Myths about pharmacy in Washington. Here is the first:

MYTH: There is a health crisis in Washington because patients are unable to get needed prescriptions filled if a pharmacist refuses to fill them for conscience reasons.

FACT: There is no health crisis surrounding the issue of access to needed medication by citizens of Washington. The issue is politically motivated by certain advocacy groups that want to strengthen state regulation with the aim of increasing access to post-coital medical care and removing any barriers - perceived or real - that might limit that access. Of the over 75,000,000 annual prescriptions that Washington community pharmacists dispense, I have heard of only four instances in which a pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for a Washington resident - hardly a problem which demands that a new rule be added to the over 350 pages that already exist.

En la parte en inglés he puesto una foto del guardia de seguridad que estará presente en todas las misas de sábado en la tarde y el día domingo. Favor expresar su gratitud a él y otros (incluyendo la policía local) que proveen protección para los que vienen a la parroquia. Necesitan la ayuda de todos en mantener la seguridad de nuestra parroquia. Si Vd ve algo sospechoso favor de avisar a uno de los padres, al Diacono Abel u otra persona que trabaja por la parroquia; se es un robo u otra actividad criminal, llama 911 inmediatamente. Trata de obtener una descripción del delicuente, su numero de placa y tipo de carro. Queremos que nuestra parroquia sea un buen lugar para orar, pero un mal lugar para cometer crímenes. ¡Y que los ladrones sepan que, sí, también son bienvenidos a Holy Family, pero primero tienen que pasar por el confesionario!

Quisiera agradecer a todos que hayan apoyado y sigan apoyando a la Campaña Capital. Hace posible la renovación del primer piso de nuestra escuela parroquial. Igualmente, si el tiempo seco sigue, vamos a refaccionar el parking (estacionamiento) de la parroquia. Esto ayudará el flujo de trafico y anedirá unos espacios nuevos. Actualmente familias con niños pequeños a veces tienen que estacionarse lejos de la parroquia. Esperemos que el refaccionar del parking ayudará. No tenemos presupuesto para poner asfalto sobre el nuevo lote, pero trataremos de prepararlo para la posibilidad de parking cuando los otros lotes están llenos. Al mismo tiempo, les recuerdo que parking está disponible el día domingo en el lote superior (al oeste de la escuela y Ailbe House). Finalmente quisiera mencionar que voluntarios del CYO (Organización Católica de Jóvenes) están reparando la cancha de futbol al sur de la Ailbe House. Si todo va bien, estará lista durante el mes de agosto.

Louie with Sam & Nick:

Sam & Nick:

Louie swimming with Nick, trying to coax Sam to join them:

Isabel Kelly fishing:

Isabel with crab on line:

Catching a fish:

Louie & Mariela with Isabel's shark:

Efren, Isabel & Kevin looking at shark: